Tuesday, November 6, 2007

400 Metres to go.....

The Election Race is well and truly hotting up! Given that today is Melbourne Cup day, you could say that there’s 400 metres to go to the finish line!

In recent days Little Johnny has started to claw back the lead enjoyed by the Kruddster. Today the difference is only 6%! Can the ageing PM pull off a Lazarus style election victory? Only time will tell us if that will happen.

Big Peter Garrett has been cracking too many jokes with talkback jock Steve Price. The former singer claiming that Labour will reverse all the ‘me tooism’ policies that it has announced in the past few weeks. Naturally, the only ones who believed this was Little Johnny and Peter (where’s my sneer gone?) Costello. Still, some damage may have been done by this throw away comment. You can safely bet that big Peter G was burning the Midnight Oil (pun intended) to explain to the ALP powers what had happened.

Also making news recently was the Shrek stand in himself, Joe Hockey. Fearing that maybe Little Johnny will not be able to perform a miracle, Shrek has said he would resign from the Howard Government if the Work Choices legislation was changed dramatically.

Nice gesture, Joe, but seeing that Little Johnny will soon be tending to his garden given that he retires as PM, the Government will be lead by Peter C and hence Shrek will not be able to resign from a ‘Howard Government’!

Anyway, today is the big race day so for 24 hours all the pollies can put aside their differences and sup champagne from their corporate sponsors boxes at Flemington, while watching the great race.

Good luck to all punters (including Ricky Ponting – another intended pun!).

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